perm filename GM.1[NOT,DBL] blob sn#208282 filedate 1976-03-30 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
.LTR(Dr. George Dodd)
GM Research Labs
Warren, Mich. 48090


Dear George,

I enjoyed a productive and busy two days at the computer forum, and particularly
was pleased that you and your colleagues took an interest in my talk.

Since we last spoke, Carnegie-Mellon University has made me an excellent
offer of an assistant professorship in Computer Science.
Newell and Simon have both taken a direct interest in my work. Also, I would have a
very low teaching load (no courses at all my first semester).
Although I have not yet signed a contract with CMU, I am almost certain to accept
that position. 

I've told you these facts so as not to mislead you. 
On the other hand, I definitely don't want to discourage you.
Carnegie has encouraged me to consult on any relevant industrial project
(an average of one day per week
during the academic year,
plus full-time during the three months of
summer break).

Therefore, I am still quite interested in coming to Warren and meeting your
colleagues. Anytime from now until April 8 is fine with me; I have no long-range
schedule, so I'll let you select the particular dates.

In many ways, it might be advantageous for GM to have me consult on their
representation project.
If you agree, I hope to hear from you soon.
In any event, please keep me informed of progress on that
